Possessed by Niki Valentine
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I won this book in a Crime Vault giveaway back in 2013. I was only able
to read 5 of those books before finally admitting that my reading
comprehension ability wasn't coming back after brain injury. Fast
forward to 2018 and Lindamood-Bell restoring my reading comprehension.
And after years of almost daily practice, building back up by reading
familiar series or easy novels, I was ready to tackle these books. I'm not
going to reread the first 5; I began the next 5 with You're Next. And now this one.
Interesting premise about who possesses whom and how a person is possessed. The book starts off sort of ordinarily, although I was confused about why Emma liked one twin. Valentine didn't explain her attraction, or rather didn't show why Emma was attracted to a twin that was dominating and not all that likeable. Maybe it was like the myth of the snake hypnotizing its target, and Emma was the target. In any case, I set aside my confusion and settled into the story.
It was a mystery but not the traditional kind. As the story slowly unfolded, it began to also possess me. The author enticing the reader into her story and then possessing her mimicked the possession going on in the pages, except that the reader is in no danger. Physical danger, anyway.
I was able to visualize and verbalize OK, even a month later, I can still recall my imagery and the final scenes and what they mean. My imagery aids my memory of who possessed whom but not why. I'm not actually sure why the possessor wanted to possess her target(s). I guess the simplest answer, the attraction of life, is the reason. The ending wrapped up the story nicely with a twist that perhaps doesn't really surprise. In some ways it's satisfying; in some ways sad.
A different kind of book from the usual kind that I read, and one I enjoyed.
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