The Sniffles

I'm feeling sick as a, sicker. I can't get up any energy to do a minimum amount of miniscule blogging, never mind post a photo or two. I can't even figure out postage. Either that or Canada Post didn't update its rates on its website. And since they're taking forever to deliver a simple, but important letter, between two major Canadian cities, over a week and counting, it wouldn't surprise me if they're a tad slow on updating their rates too. But I'm speculating. More likely, I can't read. So I'm deep in the throes of woe-is-me, and it may be awhile before I'm back. Or perhaps the sun will shine again, and I'll return before a wet dog can shake and soak its owner.


Martin said…
I truly doubt Canada Post would be slow in updating their rates on their site; or anywhere for that matter. It is the annual grab at increased rates (and our tax dollars) that keep them afloat. So to be slow in updating rates doesn't make sense
You're totally right! It's too bad that their annual grab doesn't result in better service. It took a month for them to return a letter to me, and in the past it's sometimes taken months. Well, maybe that is a service improvement!