Toronto Star Loses Collective Mind Again

Toronto Star charging for links?? I had no idea. Here I thought, in my own tiny way, I was sending along more eyeballs to their site. Apparently not. I'm depriving them of eyeballs -- only reason I can think of for their newest insanity. Thanks to Saskboy for the link to Patel's heads up. I certainly won't be linking to the Star again. I wonder about even putting in a Technorati tag. Will they charge me for that too?


Saskboy said…
I'd continue to link to them, it'd be a fun time having them try to collect, you'd wind up a famous blogger and probably not any poorer for it all.
LOL! They certainly would have a fun time trying to collect from me, the proverbial stone!! :p
CQ said…
_This is what happens when I leave Babylonto for a few days?
Yup! Insanity hits. But isn't that the meaning of your nickname of T.O.?! Kind of appropo for the Star to fit right in, eh?